40 Things You Maybe Didn’t Know About Marketing


Marketing. It’s everywhere, shaping our desires, nudging our decisions, and whispering sweet promises about the latest things. But beyond the glossy ads and catchy jingles, a fascinating world hums with lesser-known truths and hidden gems. In this blog post, we’ll peek behind the curtain and unveil 40 things you maybe didn’t know about marketing – a treasure trove of surprising facts, efficient tips, and unconventional approaches to ignite your marketing mojo.

  1. Smell Sells (Literally): Scents can trigger powerful emotions and memories, making them surprisingly effective marketing tools. Hotels, casinos, and even airlines use specific fragrances to create a desired ambiance and influence customer behavior. Even in the online world, this can be used by describing relateable scents like the smell of roses, spring, or freshly baked breads rom a bakery.
  2. Content is King, But Context is Queen: Tailor your content to specific audience segments, considering their interests, pain points, and preferred platforms. Contextual relevance trumps generic content every time.
  3. Content is NOT Just King, It’s the Entire Royal Court: While good content reigns supreme, it’s crucial to understand its supporting cast. A well-rounded content strategy encompasses SEO optimization, audience engagement, and strategic distribution throughout the customer’s decision journey to truly crown your content king.
  4. Use automation: If you haven’t done this already, now is the time to start. There is no need for repetitive manual tasks, nor to remember followups. Planned nurturing of leads lead to higher conversion rates.
  5. Micro-influencers: Forget celebrity endorsements; micro-influencers with engaged, niche audiences are taking center stage. Their authenticity and targeted reach often yield better results than mass-appeal campaigns.
  6. The Power of Silence: Not all marketing needs to be loud. Sometimes, simply understanding when to pause, listen, and engage in genuine conversations with your audience can be the most impactful strategy.
  7. Surprise and Delight: Exceed expectations, not just meet them. Unexpected gestures, personalized offers, and delightful experiences create brand loyalty and word-of-mouth magic that conventional ads can’t match.
  8. Gamification: Level Up Your Engagement by turning your marketing into a playful game, with points, rewards, and leaderboards. This taps into our inherent desire to win and can significantly boost engagement and brand recall.
  9. Customer Reviews: People trust authentic testimonials more than any ad copy created by yourself. Encourage customer reviews, showcase them prominently, and respond graciously to both positive and negative feedback.
  10. The Short Attention Span: People do not care about you and your brand in the same way you do. Do not expect them to understand anything more than what is explicitly presented, and remember that what is presented is not always what is absorbed, so be critical to your own content.
  11. The Short Attention Span Myth: While attention spans may be fleeting, captivating storytelling and interactive content can hold audiences captive. Focus on creating immersive experiences, not just bombarding them with information.
  12. It’s All About Data, But Not Numbers Alone: Data is your marketing compass, but it’s not just about cold numbers. Analyze user behavior, understand their motivations and pain points, and tell the story behind the data to make informed decisions. Balance data-driven decisions with creativity, intuition, and understanding the human element behind the metrics.
  13. Personalization is the New Segmentation: Move beyond broad demographics and psychographics. Leverage data to personalize your marketing messages, recommendations, and offers for each individual, creating a truly one-on-one experience.
  14. Embrace the Power of Humor: Laughter is a powerful emotional bond. A well-placed joke, witty copy, or playful visuals can disarm cynicism, foster connection, and make your brand memorable.
  15. Collaborate, Don’t Compete: Partner with other brands, influencers, or complementary businesses to reach new audiences, share expertise, and create synergies that benefit everyone involved. Co-create content, launch joint campaigns or cross-promote each other to reach new audiences and amplify your impact.
  16. Content Repurposing: Squeeze the Most Juice Out of Your Efforts: Repurpose your existing content – blog posts into infographics, webinars into blog post summaries, videos into social media snippets – to maximize its reach and extend its lifespan.
  17. Go Offline to Make a Digital Impact: Sometimes, a handwritten note, a personalized postcard, or a surprise gift can cut through the digital noise and create a lasting impression that resonates deeply.
  18. Embrace User-Generated Content (UGC): Let your customers be your advocates. Encourage UGC, showcase it on your platforms, and leverage it to build trust and authenticity.
  19. Don’t Ignore Customer Service: Marketing and customer service are two sides of the same coin. Treat customer service interactions as an opportunity to build relationships, gather feedback, and turn complaints into brand loyalty.
  20. QR Codes on the Rise: Remember those blocky square codes that seemed like a fad? Since the smartphones integrated the QR code reader in their cameras, the QR code is back and better than ever! QR codes can link to a variety of engaging content, from landing pages and videos to exclusive discounts and interactive experiences. Integrating them seamlessly into your marketing materials, print ads, and packaging can drive instant engagement and bridge the gap between the offline and online worlds.
  21. Embrace Imperfection: Raw and Real Wins: In a world of polished campaigns, authenticity reigns supreme. Show your real side, showcase behind-the-scenes glimpses, and celebrate imperfections to build trust and connect with your audience on a deeper level.
  22. The Psychology of Color: Colors evoke emotions and subconsciously influence behavior. Choose your brand colors strategically, considering the psychology behind each shade to impact mood and perception.
  23. Less is More: The Power of Simplicity: Don’t overwhelm your audience with cluttered visuals or information overload. Keep your messaging clear, concise, and visually appealing for maximum impact.
  24. Celebrate Failure: Learn, Adapt, Thrive: Mistakes are inevitable, but within them lies the potential for growth. Embrace a culture of experimentation, learn from failures, and adapt your strategies accordingly to achieve long-term success.
  25. Celebrate Your Wins, Big and Small: Take the time to acknowledge and celebrate your marketing successes, no matter how small. This boosts morale, fuels motivation, and inspires further growth.
  26. Offline Marketing in the Digital Age: While digital reigns supreme, take into account the power of offline activations. Pop-up events, experiential marketing, and strategic partnerships can create buzz, generate online engagement, and solidify your brand presence.
  27. AI is Your Assistant, Not Your Replacement: Artificial intelligence can automate tasks, analyze data, and personalize experiences, but it won’t replace the human touch. Focus on your creative, strategic, and analytical skills to leverage AI effectively.
  28. Be a Social Changemaker: Brands with a purpose resonate deeply with today’s consumers. Align your marketing with social causes you care about, participate in meaningful collaborations, and demonstrate your commitment to making a positive impact.
  29. The Power of Limited-Time Offers: Scarcity creates urgency which encourages action, so consider limited-time discounts, exclusive products, or early access opportunities to spark excitement and drive conversions.
  30. Customer Journey Optimization: Optimize your website, app, and social media platforms for seamless user journeys. Minimize friction, offer helpful navigation, and prioritize user experience to build long-term loyalty and advocacy.
  31. The Art of Actively Listening to Your Audience: Engage in genuine conversations with your audience. Host online communities, respond actively to comments, and participate in relevant forums to understand their needs and motivations from the source.
  32. The Rise of Voice Search: As voice assistants become ubiquitous, optimize your website and content for natural language search queries. Use conversational language, target long-tail keywords, and ensure your content is easily discoverable through voice prompts.
  33. The Power of Vulnerability: Share Your Story, Build Trust: Don’t be afraid to show your human side. Sharing honest stories about your brand’s journey, challenges, and successes can build emotional connections and foster trust with your audience.
  34. The Omnichannel Symphony – Seamless Integration Matters: Ensure a consistent and positive brand experience across all channels, from online platforms to offline stores. Make information readily available, streamline communication, and provide seamless transitions between touchpoints.
  35. The Long Game: Focus on Sustainable Growth and avoid chasing short-term trends or gimmicks. Build a strong foundation based on quality content, valuable connections, and genuine customer relationships for long-term success and sustainable brand growth. Building solid relationships with your audience and customers takes time.
  36. Measure What Matters: While reach and engagement are important, delve deeper into meaningful metrics like customer lifetime value, brand loyalty, and positive sentiment. These indicators reveal the true impact of your marketing efforts.
  37. Embrace the Iterative Mindset: Don’t be afraid to try new things, test different approaches, and analyze the results. Embrace a culture of continuous learning and iterate your strategies based on data and audience feedback.
  38. Humanize Your Brand: Be More Than Just a Logo and inject personality and soul into your marketing. Share your values, engage in meaningful conversation, and show your audience the humans behind the brand. People connect with people, not just corporations.
  39. Customize the whole Customer Journey: Don’t just offer customizable options; personalize the entire experience. Use data and user behavior to recommend products, offer tailored content, and deliver relevant messaging at the right time so that it feels like a one-on-one conversation.
  40. Work with goals and processes: Create planned processes and customer journeys to reach your marketing goals. Planned marketing works better than ad-hoc initiatives and offers the opportunity to measure what works and not.

Remember, marketing is a dynamic tapestry woven from data, creativity, and human connection. These 40 insights and tips are just the tip of the iceberg, an invitation to explore, experiment, and unveil the magic that lies within every marketing endeavor. So, go forth, unleash your inner marketer, and weave your own brand story that captivates, inspires, and makes a lasting impact.

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